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Newsgroups: comp.std.c
Path: newsfeed.internetmci.com!ncar!uchinews!news
From: Michael Spertus<mps@geodesic.com>
Subject: Re: Alignment of malloc()
X-Nntp-Posting-Host: ford.uchicago.edu
Message-ID: <DKo8ns.8A9@midway.uchicago.edu>
Sender: news@midway.uchicago.edu (News Administrator)
Organization: Dept. of Mathematics
References: <DKDA7D.Kw7@midway.uchicago.edu> <j66Sx*FRe@yaps.rhein.de> <DKKHCH.L6r@midway.uchicago.edu> <4ccbdb$5v6@fg70.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 1996 19:26:16 GMT
In article <4ccbdb$5v6@fg70.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>,
Thomas Koenig <ig25@mvmap66.ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de> wrote:
>I know of no compiler which is as brain-damaged as the one you describe;
>when I encounter one, I'd tend to howl to the vendor.
Many PC compilers have this problem (See the BYTEmark column in the
December BYTE). The problem is that Win32 GlobalAlloc(), which is
what most allocators use to get their arenas, returns a 32-bit aligned
pointer. Most standard library implementations will pass through this
alignment (probably because the implementor does not realize that
GlobalAlloc() does not align very well so that code for an sbrk()
based allocator cannot be used without change. They may also be unaware
that Pentium PCs use 64 bits data buses). This problem is magnified
because the Pentium (apparently) drops into microcode on nonaligned
loads, so that nonaligned floating point benchmarks are over 300%
Therefore, any code using floats must align all floating point malloc()
to avoid running with abysmal efficiency on many of the most popular
C/C++ compilers. I would like to believe that there should be an
expectation that "malloc(float)" is a suitable or proper way to
portably allocate a float ("suitable" and "proper" are the words used
in the standard and reference documents to describe how malloc() should
be aligned).
In today's practice, I cannot do that. Hopefully, the BYTE article and
maybe this thread will alert compiler vendors whose implementations
don't align malloc() on float boundaries that their implementation is
brain-damaged (your words) or not in the spirit of the standard (mine)
and cause them to change their implementations. Until then, there is
no way to write portable code that can be counted on to perform the
simplest floating point operations without gross performance penalties.